
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

By Michael Singer ~This book is a journey itself, filled with teachings which can become your way of life. Singer outlines how we are actually the Seer within, the Self who sees, thinks, feels and behaves the way we do.  Integrating yogic, Taoist, Christian, and...

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life by Dear Sugar

By Cheryl Strayed ~ A book everyone should own and read. These excerpts are answers she wrote to questions sent in from readers published in the Dear Sugar column she anonymously authored. It has some of the best advice you’ll ever read on sex, love, grief,...

Meditations on the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga

By Rolf Gates & Katrina Kenison ~ Even if you don’t do yoga, this gem is loaded with amazing daily quotes and reflections on living a full life while becoming all we can be. Gates is a solid teacher for your well-being, therapeutic growth and spiritual...

Getting Unstuck

By Pema Chodron ~ If you struggle with compulsions, anxiety, habitual patterns, getting hooked” or triggered, you are dealing with something Tibetan Buddhists call “shenpa.” Shenpa is the urge, the hook, that triggers our habitual tendency to close down,...

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

By Liz Gilbert ~ How to work hard, stay focused, and partner with creativity in becoming who you want to be or courageously produce your dream-come-true.  This book is inspiring as you build your self-worth, overcome perfectionism, or bring forth a self that’s...

Breaking Free from Codependency

By Pia Mellody ~ Herein lies an exploration in helping you uncover why you became codependent.  You can heal from family abuse, neglect, toxic communication, inconsistencies, betrayal or abandonment.  This is one of my favorite issues to address – I love to help...

Eat Right America: Nutritarian handbook

By Joel Fuhrman, M.D. ~ There is no single guru for healthy eating, but without calorie-counting or a diet mentality, Joel Furhman offers some of the best information to address weight and food-related issues. He presents what I teach: that how we eat and what...